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Manual Reference Pages  - ICALBUDDY (1)


icalBuddy -- query the OS X calendar database for items



icalBuddy [options] command


icalBuddy queries the OS X calendar database for items and outputs them.

The options are as follows:
command Specifies the general action to take. Possible values are:
eventsToday Print events occurring today
eventsToday+NUM Print events occurring between today and NUM days into the future, where NUM is an integer
eventsNow Print events occurring at present time
eventsFrom:START to:END Print events occurring between the two specified dates. The dates (START and END) may be specified in a natural language form (such as tomorrow at noon or june 10 at 6 pm) or as relative dates (such as today+3 or yesterday-2) but the safest format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +HHMM (the +HHMM part at the end specifies the timezone offset in hours and minutes from GMT, and it may have a plus or minus prefix)
uncompletedTasks Print uncompleted tasks
undatedUncompletedTasks Print uncompleted tasks that have no due date
tasksDueBefore:DATE Print uncompleted tasks that are due before the given date. DATE may be specified in a natural language form (such as tomorrow at noon or june 10 at 6 pm) or as a relative date (such as today+3 or yesterday-2) but the safest format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +HHMM (the +HHMM part at the end specifies the timezone offset in hours and minutes from GMT, and it may have a plus or minus prefix)
calendars Print a list of all the calendars
strEncodings Print all the possible string encodings
editConfig Open the configuration file for editing in a GUI editor application
editConfigCLI Open the configuration file for editing in a command-line editor
-V, --version Print version number and exit.
-u, --checkForUpdates Check for updates to self. Also allows for automatic updating of self (with minimal user interaction, straight from the command line.)
-d, --debug Print diagnostic information into the standard error stream (for example, how input dates are interpreted).
-sc, --separateByCalendar Separate events/tasks in the output by calendar.
-sd, --separateByDate Separate events/tasks in the output by date.
-sed, --showEmptyDates Display sections for empty dates (i.e. dates that have no items) that fall within the specified range as well. Applies only if the -sd argument is used.
-t, --showTodaysSection Always display the section for the current date (even when it is empty). Applies only if the -sd argument is used.
-sp, --separateByPriority Separate tasks in the output by priority.
-f, --formatOutput Use ANSI escape sequences to format the output and hopefully make it more readable.
-nc, --noCalendarNames Omit calendar names from the output. Does not apply if the -sc argument is used.
-nrd, --noRelativeDates Never use natural language relative dates (e.g. today, yesterday or day after tomorrow) instead of the default date format presentation (see the -df argument).
-npn, --noPropNames Omit property names from the output (i.e. only show property values — e.g. My house instead of location: My house).
-n, --includeOnlyEventsFromNowOn If the command value eventsToday is used, only output events that occur between the current time and the end of the day (as opposed to events that occur between the start and end of the day, as by default.)
-na, --maxNumAttendees Maximum number of attendees to show for events.
-nnc, --maxNumNoteChars Maximum number of characters to display from notes.
-uid, --showUIDs Display event/task UIDs (unique identifiers).
-eed, --excludeEndDates Do not output the dates/times of when events end.
-ea, --excludeAllDayEvents Do not output all-day events.
-li, --limitItems num Limit the number of printed items (events/tasks) in the output to a maximum of num items.
-std, --sortTasksByDate Sort tasks by their due dates, in descending order.
-stda, --sortTasksByDateAscending Sort tasks by their due dates, in ascending order.
--strEncoding encoding Use the specified string encoding for the output. Run the app once with the ’strEncodings’ command value to see all the possible values you can use here.
-tf, --timeFormat format Format times included in the output based on the format formatting string. See the Date and Time Format Specifiers section below for documentation on the syntax to use.
-df, --dateFormat format Format dates included in the output based on the format formatting string. See the Date and Time Format Specifiers section below for documentation on the syntax to use.
-po, --propertyOrder value Print properties of events/tasks in the order specified by value, which must be a comma-separated list of property names. The allowed property names are: title, location, notes, attendees, url, datetime, priority.
-ps, --propertySeparators value Use the strings specified in value as the separators between item properties in the output. value must be a list of strings where each component is separated by an arbitrary character that is present also as the first and the last character in the value (that means you can use any character you’d like as the separator, as long as you also use it at the beginning and the end.) The components specified in value will be used in order, for each item, starting from the first printed property. If the number of printed properties for an item is bigger than the number of components in value, the last component is used as the separator for the remaining properties. For example, a value of |, | - | would specify , as the separator between the first and the second property and - as the separator between all the rest of the properties. The default is |\\n | (i.e. use a newline and four spaces as the separator for all properties.)
-b, --bullet value Sets value as the string to be used as the bullet point in the output.
-ab, --alertBullet value Sets value as the string to be used as the alert bullet point in the output.
-ss, --sectionSeparator value Sets value as the string to be used as the section separator in the output. The default is a newline followed by a bunch of hyphens (-).
-ic, --includeCals value Includes only items from specific calendars into the output. value must be a comma-separated list of calendar titles or UIDs (you can see UIDs (unique identifiers) for your calendars by using the ’calendars’ command parameter.) The -ic and -ec parameters will be handled in the order of first include, then exclude.
-ec, --excludeCals value Excludes items from specific calendars from the output. value must be a comma-separated list of calendar titles or UIDs (you can see UIDs (unique identifiers) for your calendars by using the ’calendars’ command parameter.) The -ic and -ec parameters will be handled in the order of first include, then exclude.
-ict, --includeCalTypes value Includes only items from specific types of calendars into the output. value must be a comma-separated list consisting of one or more of the following: birthday, caldav, exchange, imap, local, subscription, icloud (icloud is an alias for caldav, and vice versa, because iCloud calendars on Lion are actually CalDAV calendars). The -ict and -ect parameters will be handled in the order of first include, then exclude, and are always applied before the -ic and -ec parameters.
-ect, --excludeCalTypes value Excludes items from specific types of calendars from the output. See -ict for a list of allowed values. The -ict and -ect parameters will be handled in the order of first include, then exclude, and are always applied before the -ic and -ec parameters.
-iep, --includeEventProps value Includes only event properties specified by value into the output. value must be a comma-separated list of property names. Possible property names are: location, url, notes, attendees, datetime, title.
-eep, --excludeEventProps value Excludes event properties specified by value from the output. value must be a comma-separated list of property names. See -iep for a list of possible property names. A value of * will exclude all properties and make sure just the title is printed.
-itp, --includeTaskProps value Includes only task properties specified by value into the output. value must be a comma-separated list of property names. Possible property names are: url, notes, datetime and priority.
-etp, --excludeTaskProps value Excludes task properties specified by value from the output. value must be a comma-separated list of property names. See -itp for a list of possible property names. A value of * will exclude all properties and make sure just the title is printed.
-cf, --configFile path Use the configuration file located at path instead of the default one (~/.icalBuddyConfig.plist). Pass in an empty string ("") to make icalBuddy ignore the configuration file completely.
-lf, --localizationFile path Use the localization file located at path instead of the default one (~/.icalBuddyLocalization.plist).
-nnr, --notesNewlineReplacement value Replaces newlines in values of the notes property with value.


Date format specifiers (used with the -df (or --dateFormat) argument:
%% A % character
%RW Relative week (e.g. next week, or 10 weeks from now)
%RD Relative day (e.g. yesterday, today, or day after tomorrow)
%a Abbreviated weekday name
%A Full weekday name
%b Abbreviated month name
%B Full month name
%d Day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%e Same as %d but does not print the leading 0 for days 1 through 9 (unlike strftime(3), does not print a leading space)
%j Day of the year as a decimal number (001-366)
%m Month as a decimal number (01-12)
%w Weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0
%y Year without century (00-99)
%Y Year with century (such as 1990)
%x Date using the date representation for the locale, including the time zone (produces different results from strftime(3))
%c Shorthand for %X %x, the locale format for date and time
Time format specifiers (used with the -tf (or --timeFormat) argument:
%% A % character
%F Milliseconds as a decimal number (000-999)
%H Hour based on a 24-hour clock as a decimal number (00-23)
%I Hour based on a 12-hour clock as a decimal number (01-12)
%M Minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%p AM/PM designation for the locale
%S Second as a decimal number (00-59)
%Z Time zone name (such as Pacific Daylight Time; produces different results from strftime(3))
%z Time zone offset in hours and minutes from GMT (HHMM)
%X Time using the time representation for the locale (produces different results from strftime(3))


        $ icalBuddy -sc uncompletedTasks

Outputs all uncompleted tasks, separated by calendar

        $ icalBuddy -sd -ic Work,Home -ec WeekNumbers eventsToday

Outputs all events occurring today from all calendars where the title or UID matches ’Work’ or ’Home’ and the title or UID does not match ’WeekNumbers’, separated by date

        $ icalBuddy eventsFrom:"2009-01-01 00:00:00 +02:00" to:"2009-01-31 23:59:59 +02:00"

Outputs all events occurring between the first of january, 2009 and the 31st of january, 2009 (using the timezone GMT+02:00)


icalBuddyConfig(1), icalBuddyLocalization(1)


This man page has been written by Ali Rantakari (http://hasseg.org)

1.8.8 ICALBUDDY (1) 2013-03-02
Generated by manServer 1.07 from icalBuddy.1 using man macros.