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Manual Reference Pages  - ICALBUDDYCONFIG (1)


icalBuddyConfig -- documentation for the icalBuddy configuration file



The icalBuddy configuration file should be saved in ~/.icalBuddyConfig.plist and is thus per-user. The contents of this file are expected to be a valid property list, so it’s recommended that you use the Property List Editor application distributed with the OS X Developer Tools to edit it. If you want to edit this file manually, please consult the plist(5) and plutil(1) man pages. The example at the end of this man page might also be of help.


    Opening the Configuration File for Editing Using icalBuddy

icalBuddy offers convenience arguments for quickly opening the configuration file for editing (and automatically creating it if it doesn’t exist.) Run:

        icalBuddy editConfig

to open the configuration file in a GUI editor (the Property List Editor application, or if you don’t have that (it’s installed as part of the OS X Developer Tools package,) whichever application is associated with the property list file type) or:

        icalBuddy editConfigCLI

to open it in a command-line editor (either the app that your EDITOR environment variable points to or one of these standard editors (whichever is found first:) vim, vi, nano, pico, emacs, ed.)

    Structure of the Configuration File

The root object of the configuration file should be a dictionary. This dictionary may have the following keys:
constantArguments This key can be used to set constant values for any of icalBuddy’s arguments (see the icalBuddy(1) man page for documentation for the arguments,) i.e. argument values that will always be set when you run icalBuddy. Using this key will save you the trouble of always having to explicitly specify some arguments when running icalBuddy. The value for this key should be another dictionary, and the keys in this dictionary should be the long names of arguments (as specified in the icalBuddy(1) man page.) The types of the values set for each argument key depend on the kind of argument: for arguments that require a textual value to be specified the type should be a String, for arguments that require a numeric value the type should be a Number and for arguments that require no value at all (i.e. if on the command line you would simply set the argument but no value after it) the type should be a Boolean. So for example if you would like to set the -f (or --formatOutput) argument to always true, you would add the key formatOutput with the Boolean value true into the constantArguments dictionary.
formatting Specifies the visual formatting for different elements in the output when using ANSI escape sequences formatting (i.e. when the -f or --formatOutput argument is set.) The value for this key should be another dictionary with any of the keys listed below, with their values corresponding to the syntax described in section Formatting Parameters further below. If some of these keys are missing in the configuration file, the default formatting will be used for them. The settings in this dictionary will only be used if the -f or --formatOutput argument is set when running icalBuddy.
sectionTitle The title of a section and the section separator
bullet The normal bullet point
alertBullet The alert bullet point
firstItemLine The first full line printed for an item (an event or a task)
datetimeName The name of the datetime property
datetimeValue A value for the datetime property
titleValue The title of an item (an event or a task)
calendarNameInTitle The calendar name, when printed along with an item’s title
notesName The name of the notes property
notesValue A value for the notes property
urlName The name of the url property
urlValue A value for the url property
locationName The name of the location property
locationValue A value for the location property
dueDateName The name of the due date property
dueDateValue A value for the due date property
priorityName The name of the priority property
priorityValue A numeric value for the priority property
priorityValueHigh The value high for the priority property
priorityValueMedium The value medium for the priority property
priorityValueLow The value low for the priority property
noItems The text to display under sections (e.g. dates) that have no items (e.g. tasks)
formattedKeywords This key can be used to affect the formatting of all occurrences of any string in the output of icalBuddy. The value for this key should also be a dictionary, its keys the keywords you want formatted in some way and the values corresponding to those keys the parameters that specify the formatting you want. So for example you could specify a more prominent formatting for all instances of the word "today" wherever it may occur in the output by adding formatting parameters (see section Formatting Parameters below for the syntax) as the value for the key today in this dictionary. The settings in this dictionary will only be used if the -f or --formatOutput argument is set when running icalBuddy.

    Formatting Parameters

In the formatting and formattedKeywords sections of the configuration file (see section Structure of the Configuration File above) you can specify visual formatting parameters for different parts of the output. For example you could make something blue and bold with a white background by specifying a value like "blue, bg:white, bold". Like in this example, you always need to separate different formatting parameters with commas. The parameters you may use are listed below:
black Black foreground color
white White foreground color
red Red foreground color
green Green foreground color
yellow Yellow foreground color
blue Blue foreground color
cyan Cyan foreground color
magenta Magenta foreground color
bright-black Bright black foreground color
bright-white Bright white foreground color
bright-red Bright red foreground color
bright-green Bright green foreground color
bright-yellow Bright yellow foreground color
bright-blue Bright blue foreground color
bright-cyan Bright cyan foreground color
bright-magenta Bright magenta foreground color
calendar-color Same foreground color as the calendar color
bg:black Black background color
bg:white White background color
bg:red Red background color
bg:green Green background color
bg:yellow Yellow background color
bg:blue Blue background color
bg:cyan Cyan background color
bg:magenta Magenta background color
bg:bright-black Bright black background color
bg:bright-white Bright white background color
bg:bright-red Bright red background color
bg:bright-green Bright green background color
bg:bright-yellow Bright yellow background color
bg:bright-blue Bright blue background color
bg:bright-cyan Bright cyan background color
bg:bright-magenta Bright magenta background color
bg:calendar-color Same background color as the calendar color
bold Bold text
underlined Underlined text
double-underlined Double underlined text (note that this is not supported by Apple’s Terminal application)
blink Blinking text


        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
        <plist version="1.0">
                        <string>- </string>
                        <string>!! </string>


icalBuddy(1), plist(5), plutil(1), icalBuddyLocalization(1)


This man page has been written by Ali Rantakari (http://hasseg.org)

1.8.8 ICALBUDDYCONFIG (1) 2013-03-02
Generated by manServer 1.07 from icalBuddyConfig.1 using man macros.