Version 1.2.8
August 06, 2011
- Fixed the appearance of the "Save" button on 10.7 Lion.
- Fixed bug where the front app scripts dialog did not open if a script was installed for an application that could not be found on the current system.
Version 1.2.7
February 06, 2011
- Fixed bug in support where emails that have attachments could not be tagged.
Version 1.2.6
May 23, 2010
- Fixed issue where opening multiple files via LaunchBar (and I suspect some other apps that do similar things) did not work.
Version 1.2.5
May 21, 2010
- Added hacky (but mostly working) support for tagging websites via Chrome and Chromium. (note: this is very experimental and relies on scripting generic GUI elements since Chrome and Chromium don't have AppleScript dictionaries yet. it might fail to work at times.)
- Fixed a bug where
files that didn't have any tags were sometimes not deleted.
Version 1.2.4
May 16, 2010
- Fixed the broken support for tagging websites via Opera (the built-in AppleScripts didn't work for the latest version, 10.53).
- Improved the GUI elements when installing updates (the default Sparkle progress bar window that was shown under the main window has been replaced by a progress bar in the main window itself.)
Version 1.2.3
April 27, 2010
- Improved the UI elements used when checking for updates to the app (the progress bar and info label will now be shown in the main app window instead of in a separate dialog under the main window).
Version 1.2.2
April 21, 2010
- Added support for tagging websites via OmniWeb
Version 1.2.1
March 24, 2010
- The logic for matching web links (URLs) to the corresponding
files has been improved. Now if you for example tag a web page and then later, when the page's title has changed, try to tag that same site, Tagger will find the correct .webloc
file and show the tags you previously added.
Version 1.2
March 24, 2010
- NOTE: You need to install this version manually by downloading the update archive from Tagger's website because the current version of the app is missing the public key for checking the validity of Sparkle updates (if you try to install this update through the update mechanism in the Tagger application, it'll complain about an invalid update). Sorry about the inconvenience — this update should fix the problem.
- Front Application Scripts can now specify web locations (i.e. URLs and corresponding titles) to be tagged instead of just files. (See the documentation for more info.)
Version 1.1.2
December 05, 2009
- Tagger now uses Sparkle for automatic updates. This way you won't have to perform updates manually anymore.
- The preference for enabling the front application scripts feature is gone; this feature is now always on.
Version 1.1.1
November 28, 2009
- Fixed a bug in the OpenMeta library where tags added using an older version of Tagger (or some other application that uses an older version of OpenMeta) were not shown in the latest version of Tagger. (OpenMeta issue #19)
Version 1.1
November 26, 2009
- A simple management interface has been added for front applications scripts, through which you can now easily uninstall existing scripts, and more importantly browse and install new ones from an online repository (there are only two scripts at the moment, though). This can be found via the menu: Tagger → Manage Front Application Scripts...
Version 1.0.2
November 25, 2009
- Tagger is now able to tag files selected in TagLists whenever it runs when TagLists is the front application.
- Fixed bug where the front application icon was not shown on top of the file icon/thumbnail if more than one file was being tagged.
Version 1.0.1
November 23, 2009
- Fixed bug where the front application icon was shown on top of the file thumbnail/icon even when Tagger hadn't gotten the file(s) from the front application.
- Improved the user interface for adding new front application scripts a bit.
Version 1.0
November 23, 2009
- Added the front application scripts feature which makes it possible to add support for tagging the selected files in any AppleScript-supporting application by writing scripts for them and adding these scripts to tagger as front application scripts. (Thanks to Jonathan Austin for suggesting this feature.)
- If Tagger has gotten the files to tag from the active (frontmost) application, display the icon of this application on the bottom corner of the thumbnail of the tagged file.
- Implemented built-in support for tagging emails in Apple's (Thanks to Jonathan Austin and Greg Mulhauser for the AppleScript needed for this!)
- Added a help menu item that simply opens the website in a browser.
Version 0.9.2
November 15, 2009
- Tagger now contains its own copy of the OpenMeta Spotlight importer, which is a small program that enables Spotlight to find files based on their tags. This way it'll be easier to update this importer whenever changes are needed (it'll just update whenever you update Tagger or any other OpenMeta-enabled application). In earlier versions, Tagger installed this importer onto your computer, and with this change it's now best if the importer is uninstalled from your system or user library. A small uninstaller has been included, and you should run it to uninstall any locally installed copies of the OpenMeta Spotlight importer. This will make it easier for developers to make updates to it (by just shipping an updated copy with their application updates). I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- The OpenMeta library has been updated to the latest version (SVN rev. 50). There have been some technical changes in OpenMeta which might cause some problems in some cases. Note that this version of Tagger contains version 2.1 of the OpenMeta spotlight importer, which should still work with your old tags.
Version 0.9
November 06, 2009
- Added support for tagging web pages. Now when you launch Tagger with a supported web browser as the active application, Tagger lets you tag the web page you have open in the browser. (This is implemented by creating
files under ~/Library/Metadata/Tagger/Web Links/
and adding the tags to them. These files are removed by Tagger only if you remove all tags from them.)
Supported browsers:
- Safari
- Opera
- Camino
- Firefox (Note: support for Firefox is very unstable due to the fact that Firefox's AppleScript support is quite buggy)
I'd like to support Chrome as well for this but unfortunately it doesn't have AppleScript support yet (as far as I know).
Version 0.8.8
October 20, 2009
- First release as open source software under the GPLv2. (No new user-visible features in this release)
Version 0.8.7
October 06, 2009
- Make sure Tagger is the active application after being launched with command-line arguments.
Version 0.8.6
October 03, 2009
- Fixed a regression where the application's windows weren't centered properly on screen.
- Tagger now suggests to move itself into the
folder (if it isn't already there) when it starts. (I used code by Andy Kim et al. for this. Thanks!)
Version 0.8.5
October 02, 2009
- Added the standard Edit menu back so that you could copy, paste, select all etc.
- Added a feature that allows you to see a list of the full paths to all the files that you are currently tagging. This can be found from the menu, under the application's title (the default shortcut is
- Added command-line argument
-t "title"
that allows you to set a title that is displayed in place of the filename(s).
Version 0.8.4
September 19, 2009
- Explicitly make the tags field first responder after the app has successfully launched; on Snow Leopard the tags field wasn't selected by default when selecting files in Finder and launching Tagger via a Spark shortcut.
- Don't use icon decor for the Quick Look preview if the given file path points to a regular directory (i.e. a "non-package"/"non-bundle" directory).
- The "about" dialog is now centered and displays the application's version number.
Version 0.8.3
July 30, 2009
- Added a preference that allows submitting all changes by simply pressing the return key twice in succession.
- Added the standard
File > Close
menu item (so that Cmd-W
could be used for closing windows).
- Fixed overly bright text color in the OpenMeta Spotlight importer install sheet.
Version 0.8.2
July 10, 2009
- Added feature that automatically offers to install the OpenMeta Spotlight importer, which is needed in order to be able to search for tags in Spotlight with queries like
(my sincere apologies — this should've been in version 0.7 already! If the Spotlight searching of tags hasn't worked for you, this should solve the problem.)
- Changed the label of the "commit" button from "Ok" to "Save" in order to better clarify its intent
- Made the "About" dialog better (it no longer displays under the main window and it now has a link to the website)
- Updated the OpenMeta libraries to a newer version (r31).
Version 0.8.1
June 11, 2009
- Improved the help message that is shown in-app when no files are found for tagging.
Version 0.8
June 11, 2009
- Tagger can now automatically select the file that is open in the frontmost application window for tagging. This only works for document windows (i.e. Cocoa application windows that represent documents) and requires that the "Enable access for assistive devices" checkbox is selected in the Universal Access preference pane.
- Fixed bug where pressing
Command+<any key>
would save the changes and exit (instead of just Command+Return
- Removed the preferences window: you no longer need to manually specify whether you'd like Tagger to ask Finder or Path Finder for the currently selected items — it'll now automatically check what the frontmost application is.
Version 0.7.5
August 05, 2009
- Tagger can now also be configured to ask Path Finder for the selected items to open for tagging, instead of Finder (this can be changed in Tagger's preferences)
- All recent tag names are now offered for autocompletion if the user hasn't yet begun typing anything and invokes autocompletion (by pressing F5)
- Error dialogs are now displayed to the user if something goes wrong in the OpenMeta libraries
Version 0.7
June 08, 2009
- Note! The tagging system has been changed to OpenMeta in this version!
- What this means:
- Any tags you have set for your files using an older version of Tagger (or Punakea) will not be available when using this or any other later version of Tagger unless you migrate your tags from the Spotlight Metadata format over to OpenMeta
- No worries, though: you can use Punakea to automatically migrate your current tags over to the OpenMeta format so you won't lose them
- Reasons for this change:
- Nudge:nudge, the makers of the NNTagging framework, have dropped support for NNTagging in favour of OpenMeta (this means that their Punakea application uses OpenMeta now as well)
- OpenMeta is a bit nicer (and more reliable) technically than the old way of handling tags (though it's also a bit nicer for the end user: it doesn't litter the Spotlight Comments fields of your files, saving the tags using OS X extended file attributes instead)
- OpenMeta seems to be gaining traction quite well — this means there will probably be lots of more applications that can read, write and search for OpenMeta tags
- Other changes in this version:
- Folders can now be tagged
- When you open more than one file in Tagger, it now allows you to edit common tags for all of those files — so now you can add or remove tags to and from all of those files at the same time (instead of just adding tags, like in previous versions)
- You can now specify multiple files in the value of the
command-line argument, separated by newlines
Version 0.6.1
March 11, 2009
- Fix bug where Tagger could not automatically get the selected files from Finder if they were on mounted non-primary volumes.
Version 0.6
November 16, 2008
- Now works with bundles (iWork documents etc.)
- Now allows for adding tags to multiple files (as well as editing the tags for just one file)
Version 0.5
June 25, 2008