
Open the Current Terminal Directory in Finder

Filed under Mac, Scripts

I found this excellent AppleScript that enables you to open the current Finder folder in a new iTerm (my terminal app of choice) tab. Well, I also wanted to be able to invoke the same functionality in the other direction.

Update (Dec 1, 07): Ahem, I just found out a while ago that simply typing "open ." into the terminal will invoke this same functionality ;-) So yeah, no need for a shell script for this.

This simple line of code, run from the terminal, will take the current directory and open it in a new Finder window:

/usr/bin/osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to open POSIX file \"`pwd`\""

If you don't feel like copy/pasting, you can just get the script here.


Open a Terminal directory in Finder « scharmentke November 29, 2011 at 9:35 PM

[…] wrong! Today I just searched for this feature and found a cool blog post here which explains how to use […]
