
The Mac Applications I Use and Recommend

Filed under Mac

I've long though about documenting the slew of applications I've accustomed myself to using on my Macbook, but I've never really gotten around to it until now. The main reason I have for writing this kind of a list is to document these things on a remote server (or preferably several – Google, I'm looking at you) in case my laptop decides it's time to give up the ghost and I'm forced to start all over again with a new one. Writing this in my blog should accomplish this goal, and in addition it can serve as my official list of recommended applications for other Mac OS X users. So, here it is, in all its long glory.

I have been trying to update this page regularly. The last update was Apr 1, 2011.

All applications below are either open source or otherwise distributed free of charge, unless the price of the license has been mentioned.

Office / Productivity


Media & Entertainment



Matt Swann September 26, 2007 at 2:35 PM

Thanks for the kind mention re: ScriptSaver! Be sure to let me know if you run into any issues or have ideas for improvements.

Raymond September 26, 2007 at 8:29 PM

thanx for the list,funny that i have used most of the applications too, except for those very specific ones and the designer apps. The virtue desktop is really good one im gonna try out. Safari has private browsing feature,i guess in this mode, nothing is cached,so it might be nice for banking stuffs. Great list Thanx

Adam November 1, 2007 at 9:54 PM

Thanks for the list! I have a number of the apps, but there’s a bunch on there I hadn’t heard of and look promising.

I’ll have to check out Disk Inventory X, but I’ve been using WhatSize for a while and really like it.

Hasse G November 2, 2007 at 9:33 AM

No problemo. I’ve been thinking of updating the list for Mac OS 10.5 (since some of these apps I don’t use anymore for example because an alternative has been bundled with Leopard), and I’ll try to get around to it in the near future. I Think I also have a few apps to add to there..

Bertrand November 27, 2007 at 3:48 PM

I already use most of the apps you have presented. For me they are perfect. I would like to add few ones for web developers:

  • textmate to edit server side scripts
  • cssedit to edit and test my CSS
  • acorn to edit and modify pictures I put on my webpages.

I can also speak about RapidWeaver to develop webpages easily (my girlfriend uses it to download pictures onto our website for our friends).


Alcmene January 29, 2008 at 11:19 AM

Hi there, I found your site by searching for a growlnotify Leopard workaround, and really enjoy what I found here :) Most of your apps are already familiar to me, but you also led me to exactly the ones I had been searching for desperately (Proximity, CheckOff, MarcoPolo, SleepWatcher) :)

Thanks a lot, and see you (well, at least I will see you ;) ) perdiodically :)

Rob April 19, 2008 at 1:40 AM

Very nice list. I’m checking out a few of the apps you mentioned. I stopped looking for new apps when I stopped getting MacAddict, so I now see how behind the times I am.


leo July 3, 2008 at 4:52 AM

try Zipeg - similar to The Unarchiver but with better support of national alphabets in filenames and encrypted rar and win archives. Free.


Andy September 28, 2009 at 5:55 AM

> I use this commercial Wine distribution by Codeweavers > to run RegexBuddy

Have you tried this one?: http://reggyapp.com/
