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icalBuddy is a command-line utility that can be used to get lists of events and tasks/to-do's from the OS X calendar database (the same one iCal uses).

→ See some usage examples

If you want to get icalBuddy's output displayed on your desktop, you should read my blog post about it.


This is what the usage output of the program looks like:

USAGE: icalBuddy [options] <command>

<command> specifies the general action icalBuddy should take:

  'eventsToday'      Print events occurring today
  'eventsToday+NUM'  Print events occurring between today and NUM days into
                     the future
  'eventsNow'        Print events occurring at present time
  'eventsFrom:START to:END'
                     Print events occurring between the two specified dates
  'uncompletedTasks' Print uncompleted tasks
                     Print uncompleted tasks that have no due date
                     Print uncompleted tasks that are due before the given
                     date, which can be 'today+NUM' or any regular date
  'calendars'        Print all calendars
  'strEncodings'     Print all the possible string encodings
  'editConfig'       Open the configuration file for editing in a GUI editor
  'editConfigCLI'    Open the configuration file for editing in a CLI editor

Some of the [options] you can use are:

-V          Print version number (no <command> needed)
-u          Check for updates to self online (no <command> needed)
-sc,-sd,-sp Separate by calendar, date or priority
-f          Format output
-nc         No calendar names
-nrd        No relative dates
-npn        No property names
-n          Include only events from now on
-sed        Show empty dates
-uid        Show event/task UIDs
-eed        Exclude end datetimes
-ea         Exclude all-day events
-li         Limit items (value required)
-std,-stda  Sort tasks by due date (stda = ascending)
-tf,-df     Set time or date format (value required)
-po         Set property order (value required)
-ps         Set property separators (value required)
-b          Set bullet point (value required)
-ab         Set alert bullet point (value required)
-ss         Set section separator (value required)
-ic,-ec     Include or exclude calendars (value required)
-iep,-eep   Include or exclude event properties (value required)
-itp,-etp   Include or exclude task properties (value required)
-cf,-lf     Set config or localization file path (value required)
-nnr        Set replacement for newlines within notes (value required)

See the icalBuddy man page for more info.

Version 1.8.8
Copyright 2008-2012 Ali Rantakari, http://hasseg.org/icalBuddy

Source code is available in a Git repository (click here to show/hide):

Latest Version:

Version 1.8.8      →    Download
March 09, 2013


  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when printing event attendee names.

Older Versions:

Show/hide older versions
Latest Version (1.8.8):

Copyright © 2008-2012 Ali Rantakari